
Application scaffolding

Scaffold a new application:

$ makeapp new my_new_app /home/librarian/mynewapp/ -d "My application." --author "The Librarian"

This will create a decent application skeleton (setup.py, docs, tests, etc.) and initialize Git repository.

Get some help on command line switches:

$ makeapp --help


This software can function both as a command line tool and as a Python module.

Settings in config

Put some default settings into a config (not to mess with command line switches anymore):

  1. Create .makeapp (dot is required) directory in your HOME directory;

  2. In .makeapp directory create makeapp.conf configuration file with a similar contents:

    author = The Librarian
    author_email = librarian@discworld.wrld
    license = bsd3cl
    url = https://github.discworld.wrld/librarian/{{ app_name }}
    vcs = git

Settings in command line

You can also pass settings values via command line options. Use --no-prompt switch to automate scaffolding:

makeapp new my_new_app -t webscaff  --no-prompt --webscaff_domain "example.com" --webscaff_email "me@example.com" --webscaff_host "" --vcs_remote "git@example.com:me/my_new_app.git"

Application publishing

When you’re ready to publish issue the following command while in project directory (containing setup.py):

$ makeapp release
; Bump version number part manually: major, minor, patch
$ makeapp release --increment major

This will automatically:

  • bump up application version number
  • tag version in VCS
  • push sources to remote repository
  • upload application package to PyPI

Adding changes

When you’re ready to add another entry to your changelog use change command:

$ makeapp change "+ New 'change' command implemented"

This will also stage and commit all changed files.

Supported message prefixes:

  • + - New feature / addition.

    Increments minor part of version number on release command.

  • ! - Important change/improvement/fix.

    Increment: patch part.

  • - - Feature deprecation / removal

    Increment: patch.

  • * - Minor change/improvement/fix. * prefix is added by default if none of the above mentioned prefixes found.

    Increment: patch.

Bash completion

To enable bash completion for makeapp command append the following line into your .bashrc:

eval "$(_MAKEAPP_COMPLETE=source makeapp)"